CA19 – First Scots in Western Canada

Stitchers: Anne Morrison, Joan Curle, Lorraine Iverach, Shelley McFadyen, Catherine (Kit) Gates, Judy Boatman (Winnipeg, Manitoba).

In 1670 the Hudson’s Bay Company located their headquarters at York Factory on the shores of Hudson Bay. Initial employees were recruited from England and Ireland, but in 1702 they started recruiting at Stromness, Orkney. These men became the first Scots in Western Canada, forming three-quarters of the Hudson’s Bay’s workforce by the late 1700’s. They were paid £6–£8 per year and served approximately 5 years, with several becoming officers. Many decided to stay in Canada, marrying First Nations women who provided an important link between the two cultures, acting as translators, sewing clothing, preparing food and providing companionship.

CA19 Malairt Bèine/Mnathan nan Ciad Nàiseanan
Ann an 1670, stèidhich Companaidh Bàgh Hudson am prìomh thogalach ann am Factaraidh Iorc air cladaichean Bàgh Hudson. Bha na ciad oibrichean air an trusadh à Sasainn agus Èirinn, ach ann an 1702 thòisich iad a’ trusadh ann an tSròm Nis ann an Arcaibh. B’ iad sin na ciad Albannaich ann an Canada an Iar agus aig deireadh na 1700an, bha iad a’ dèanamh suas trìchairteal de sgioba-obrach Bhàgh Hudson. Bha iad pàighte £6–£8 sa bhliadhna agus a’ frithealadh timcheall air 5 bliadhna, le cuid aca nan oifigearan. Cho-dhùin mòran dhiubh fuireach ann an Canada, a’ pòsadh mnathan Ciad Nàiseanan a bha a’ solarachadh ceangal cudromach eadar an dà chultar, mar eadartheangairean, a’ fuaigheal aodaich, ag ullachadh bidhe agus a’ solarachadh companas.