The Tapestry is still enjoying its stay in BARGA at the moment, running there for another week, but already the word is getting out that we’re off to Picinisco next.

This is an exciting opportunity for the Tapestry, as it will be a part of what was recently chosen as one of the top ten festivals in Italy!


Picinisco in Lazio has similar reverse diaspora connections to Scotland to those of Barga, and is a rival to the claim of being the most Scottish place in Italy. In the difficult economic conditions of the post-unification era, many emigrated from Picinisco in search of greater opportunities overseas. Although they settled in various parts of the UK, many reached the west coast of Scotland and became heavily involved in the ice cream industry. It was a popular trade with the locals, which is thought to have aided social integration and acceptance. Today tens of thousands of Scots can claim Italian heritage.

Picinisco nel Lazio ha collegamenti inversi con la diaspora in Scozia simili a quelli di Barga, città rivale per la pretesa di essere la popolazione più scozzese d’Italia. Nelle difficili condizioni economiche del period post-unitario, molti sono emigrati da Picinisco in cerca di maggiori opportunità all’estero. Anche se si stabilirono in varie parti del Regno Unito, molti hanno raggiunto la Scozia e divennero fortemente coinvolti nel settore del gelato. E ‘stato un commercio popolare con la gente del posto e si pensa che questo abbia aiutato l’integrazione sociale e l’accettazione. Oggi, decine di migliaia di scozzesi possono rivendicare origini italiane.

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