Scottish Diaspora Tapestry Copyright
Image Reproduction Requests
Great care was taken in the production of the original tapestry panels and consequently we take great care over how the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry appears in published material.
Therefore, in line with most other organisations, we have precise rules as to how and where panel images can be reproduced.
If you would like to reproduce an image of the panels you need to apply to us for a digital copy of an image.
The general principles we apply are:
1. Copyright
The copyright for the tapestry panels lies and remains with Prestoungrange Arts Festival Trust – Scottish Charity # 033131]. If you are given permission to reproduce images of the panels this will be in the form of a limited licence, the extent of which will be clearly stated based on your application.
2. Permission
Permission must ALWAYS be requested BEFORE an image is reproduced.
The Trust needs to be satisfied that the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry will be represented in a suitable way which is in sympathy with the values and ethos that it represents.
The embroiderers who stitched each panel have been granted the ‘personal/ non-transferable’ right throughout their lifetime to use the image of their own panel gratis but only for non-commercial purposes, as has the artist who designed each panel.
3. Charges – reproduction
The Trust normally makes a charge for limited reproduction licences based on the requested use the proceeds of which go towards to maintenance and presentation of the Tapestry.
The charge varies according to who is making the request, whether or not it is a commercial venture, how wide the circulation will be, the overall size, etc. It is fair to point out that commercial use will always be charged for, with a sliding scale for different categories of suitable applicants.
As a guide, commercial charges are usually £80.00 per image supplied as a high resolution (300 dpi at A4) CMYK file on CD or by email.
4. Charges – application fee In addition to the reproduction fee, which is variable, there is a fixed application fee of £15.00. This contributes to the cost of administering the application.
5. Attribution
We always require any reproduced image howsoever to carry the label © Prestoungrange Arts Festival in a legible point size and immediately adjacent to each image reproduced. The name[s] of the stitcher[s] and community who crafted the panel[s] must also always be mentioned. Whenever possible mention should also be given to the Tapestry’s comprehensive guidebook[s] – details at time of granting permission.
6. Publicity
As a general rule, the more a reproduction fee is reduced the more publicity material we require to be included with the images. The extent of this ranges from a short mention of the location of the permanent exhibition to a paragraph outlining the origins and aims of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival in general and its Scottish Diaspora Tapestry in particular.
This requirement will be clearly stated on the reproduction licence that you receive.
7. Image Integrity
In order to preserve the artistic integrity of the panels no alteration of any image is allowed.
We do not allow the panels to be reproduced other than as they appear in the image supplied.
Specifically, the colours (if reproduced in colour) must not be altered and the design elements must not be moved in relation to each other. If a small section of the panel is to be reproduced then this should be made clear in the request.
If you wish to proceed with your application, please complete and return the application form attached.
Copyright Diaspora Tapestry (111 KB)