Stitcher (Buenos Aires): Luis S Stuart-Pennington
AR03 Alexander Hutton Alexander Watson Hutton (1853–1936) was a teacher and sportsman considered to be the ‘father’ of Argentinean football. He founded the Argentine Football Association, the English High School of Buenos Aires, and the Alumni Athletic Club. Hutton believed that sport was a vital element in education and health. William Waters, Hutton’s brother-in-law, imported the first leather footballs in 1886. Hutton’s son, Arnold played for Argentina’s national team. In 1891, Alec Lamont organised the first league tournament outside Great Britain. Alumni dominated the football field for a decade, winning 22 titles. Hutton’s cultural legacy shaped Argentina’s identity and will survive for many generations.
AR03 Alasdair Hutton
B’ e neach-teagaisg agus neach-spòrs a bh’ ann an Alasdair Hutton (1853–1936) agus tha e air fhaicinn mar ‘athair’ ballcoise Arsaintìonach. Chuir e air bhonn Comann Ball-coise Arsaintìona, Àrd-sgoil Bheurla Buenos Aires agus Club Lùthchleasan Alumni. Bha Hutton a’ creidsinn gun robh spòrs mar eileamaid dheatamach ann am foghlam agus slàinte. Thug bràthair-cèile Hutton, Uilleam Waters, a-steach a’ chiad buill-coise leathair ann an 1886, agus bha Arnold, mac Hutton, a’ cluich airson sgioba nàiseanta Arsaintìona. Ann an 1891, chuir Ailig MacLaomainn air dòigh a’ chiad fharpais lìog taobh a-muigh Bhreatainn. Chùm Alumni smachd air an raoin ball-coise fad deich bliadhna, a’ cosnadh 22 tiotal. Thug dìleab chultarach Hutton cumadh air dearbh-aithne Arsaintìona agus soirbhichidh sin airson mòran ghinealaichean.