Stitchers: Frances Crown & Elizabeth Campbell-Mackenzie – Sydney, NSW
Author of one of Australia’s best known poems, My Country, Dorothea Mackellar never professed to be a poet. Her protected and highly civilised life was spent in the company of intellectuals and other elites in Sydney and London. My Country appealed to the patriotism of war and post-war nationalism in Australia. Recognised as a lyrist of colour and light in love with the Australian landscape, her poetry was cultivated and spirited; her novels purely romantic. Dorothea was typical of many at that time whose youthful vigour contrasts with the later evaporation of talent and vitality.
AU12 Diorbhaile NicEalair 1885–1968
Mar ùghdar air aon de na dàin as aithnichte ann an Astràilia, My Country, cha do leig Diorbhaile NicEalair oirre a-riamh gur e bana-bhàrd a bh’ innte. Chaidh a beatha, a bha air a dìon agus àrd-shìobhalta, a chur seachad ann an companas dhaoine inntleachdail agus daoine sgoilearach eile ann an Sydney agus Lunnainn. Bha My Country tarraingeach do ghràdh-dùthcha cogaidh agus nàiseantachd às dèidh a’ chogaidh ann an Astràilia. Aithnichte mar chumadairbhriathran de dhathan agus soilleireachd aig an robh gaol air cruth-tìre Astràilia, bha a dàin leasaichte agus làn spioraid; bha a nobhailean fìor romansach. Bha Diorbhaile mar shamhla air mòran aig an àm sin le spionnadh na h-òige a’ dèanamh iomsgaradh le imeachd às dèidh sin air tàlant agus beòthalachd.