Stitcher: Clive Chapman – Brisbane
Andrew Petrie emigrated to Sydney in 1831. After completing many building projects there, he sailed to the penal settlement of Moreton Bay as Clerk of Works, where he repaired the Windmill and constructed many public buildings. He explored the region widely and was the first to find the Bunya Pine. He and his eldest son, John were the first Europeans to climb Mt. Beerwah. Andrew stayed in Brisbane and developed his building business; many of the beautiful stone buildings in Brisbane, including Newstead House, Bulimba House and the Deanery were built by him. He is known as ‘The Father of Brisbane’.
AU13 Anndra Petrie
Rinn Anndra Petrie às-imrich gu Sydney iann an 1831. An dèidh crìoch a chur air mòran phròiseactan togail an sin, sheòl e gu tuineachadh peanasachaidh Bàgh Moreton mar Chlàrc Obraichean, far an do chàirich e a’ Mhuileann-gaoithe agus thog e mòran togalaichean poblach. Rannsaich e an sgìre gu farsaing agus b’ e a’ chiad neach a lorg Giuthas Bunya. B’ e e fhèin agus a mhac Iain a bu shine, a’ chiad Eòrpaich a shreap Beinn Beerwah. Dh’fhuirich Anndra ann am Brisbane agus leasaich e a ghnìomhachas togail; bha mòran de na togalaichean brèagha cloiche ann am Brisbane, a’ gabhail a-steach Taigh Newstead, Taigh Bulimba agus an Deadhanachd air an togail leis-san. Tha e aithnichte mar ‘Athair Brisbane’.