Stitcher: Janet E C Morrison – Brisbane
It could be said that the idea of an airline linking the outback towns of Queensland, Australia with each other and the world was conceived in the desert sands of the Middle East. Hudson Fysh was in the 1st Light Horse Brigade then transferred to No.1 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps as an observer and eventually as a pilot. It was there that he met Paul “Ginty” McGinness, a pilot and Arthur Baird an engineer and their flight sergeant.
Qantas could then be said to have been born in Brisbane when Fergus McMaster and Ainslie Templeton, Western Queensland graziers, McGinness and Fysh, and Alan Campbell to assist with business advice, met. The result was the registration on 16th November 1920 of the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd Fergus McMaster was born in Rockhampton; his parents had emigrated from Scotland. He was a major shareholder and Chairman of the Board for many years.
Arthur Baird was invited to join them and became their engineer, flying with the pilot and their solitary passenger to be on hand to undertake repairs during emergency landings. He was to set up a hangar/workshop in Longreach and eventually manufactured the company’s planes, Qantas being one of the few airlines in the world to do this.
Qantas flew the first air mail and regular passenger service on 2nd November 1922.
Some of their famous passengers, were The Honourable S. M Bruce, Prime Minister of Australia, Mrs Bruce and Donald Cameron in 1924: the first Prime Minister to fly and in July 1926, the Australian Governor General and his wife, Lord and Lady Stonehaven (Major John Lawrence Baird DSO). Lady Stonehaven christened the first DH50 constructed in Longreach, “Iris”.
These hard working, innovative and resourceful men founded an airline that has become one of world acclaim.
AU16 Qantas
Thàinig Qantas gu bith ann am Brisbane an dèidh na coinneimh eadar Fearghas Mac a’ Mhaighstir, Ainslie Templeton, Pòl McGinness, Hudson Fysh agus Ailean Caimbeul. Air an 16mh Samhain 1920, chaidh Seirbheisean Adhair Ranntair a Tuath agus Queensland Earranta a chlàradh. Bha Mac a’ Mhaighstir na phrìomh neach-earrainn agus na Cathraiche air a’ Bhòrd airson iomadh bliadhna. Fhuair Artair Baird cuireadh a dhol còmhla riutha agus ghabh e dreuchd mar innleadair aca, ag itealaich còmhla ris a’ phìleat agus aon neach-siubhail. Ghiùlain Qantas a’ chiad seirbheis cunbhalach adhair do luchd-siubhail agus litrichean air 2na Samhain 1922. Bhaist a’ Bhean Uasal Stonehaven a’ chiad DH50 “Iris”. Stèidhich na fir dhìcheallach, thionnsgaineach agus fhualangach sin buidheann-adhair a tha air fàs gu bhith cliùiteach air feadh an t-saoghail.