AU18 – Gold at Poverty Point

Stitcher: Elizabeth McGee (Sydney)

In August 1851 gold was discovered in the previously tranquil area of Ballarat in Victoria. It created an incredible rush: by the end of September there were 1000 miners, and by 1852 there were 20,000. John Dunlop from Argyllshire and James Regan were the men who triggered the gold rush, after they found a few ounces whilst panning on the ironically named Poverty Point. Before their arrival the site and been occupied merely by a few huts. Ballarat is now a city of around 85,000 inhabitants.

AU18 Dian-ruith Òir Ballarat
San Lùnastal 1851, lorgadh òr ann an sgìre shocair shàmhach Ballarat ann an Victoria. Chruthaich sin dianruith do-chreidsinneach: ro dheireadh na Sultaine, bha 1000 mèinnear san àite agus ro 1852 bha 20,000 mèinnear ann. B’ e Iain Dunlop à Earra-Ghàidheal agus Seumas Regan na daoine a phiobraich dian-ruith an òir, an dèidh dhaibh ùnnsa no dhà a lorg ‘s iad a-muigh a’ panadh gu hiongantach air Rubha na Bochdainn. Mus do ràinig iad, cha robh air an làraich ach dìreach beagan bhothain. Is e bailemòr a th’ ann am Ballarat a-nis le timcheall air 85,000 neachcòmhnaidh.