Stitchers: Lorraine Iverach, Kathy Smith, Barbara Hjelte, Nicole Collette, Shelley McFadyen, Catherine (Kit) Gates, Patricia Stagg, Judy Boatman, Shirley Forsyth, Carol Ann Coish (Winnipeg, Manitoba).
The Hudson’s Bay and North West Companies struggled for control of the fur trade in the Red River Valley, their rivalry exacerbated by the Selkirk Settlers. Hudson’s Bay supported the settlement and food supplies they could eventually offer. North West opposed the settlement along with the Métis who feared farming could interfere with hunting and the pemmican (dried bison meat) trade. Frictions escalated when exportation of pemmican was banned to provide food for the struggling settlers. During the Battle of Seven Oaks (1816), 21 settlers led by Governor Semple were killed during a confrontation with Nor’ Westers and Métis hunters led by Cuthbert Grant.
CA23 Blàr Seven Oaks
Bha Companaidhean Bàgh Hudson agus an Iar Thuath a’ strì an aghaidh a chèile airson smachd fhaighinn air malairt nam bian ann an Gleann Abhainn Dheirg; an fharpais eatarra air a dhèanamh nas miosa le luchd-tuineachaidh Sailcirc. Bha Bàgh Hudson a’ cur taic ris an tuineachadh agus an solar bidhe a b’ urrainn dhaibh a thairgsinn aig a’ cheann thall. Bha an Iar Thuath an aghaidh an tuineachaidh còmhla ri muinntir Métis air an robh eagal gun tigeadh tuathanachas san rathad air sealg agus malairt a’ phemmican (feòil Buabhaill thiormaichte). Dh’fhàs am buaireadh na bu mhiosa nuair a chaidh casg a chur air às-mhalairt air pemmican gus biadh a sholarachadh don luchd-tuineachaidh a bha a’ strì ri bith-beò. Aig Blàr Seven Oaks (1816), chaidh 21 neach-tuineachaidh air an stiùireadh leis an Riaghladair Semple, a mharbhadh ann an còmhrag le muinntir an Iar Thuath agus sealgairean Métis air an stiùireadh le Cuthbert Grant.