Stitchers: Sylvia Robertson (Pitlochry, Scotland), Children of Glen Lyon Primary School, JRD Campbell, Angus Campbell, Nicky Campbell, Catriona Campbell, Innes Campbell (Glen Lyon).
Robert Campbell (1808–1894) was born in Glen Lyon, Perthshire and became a remarkable explorer in North West Canada. A fur trader for the Hudson’s Bay Company, he was selected to explore west of the Mackenzie River. Among his achievements was his discovery of the River Pelly, a route which thousands of prospectors later used to reach the Klondike gold fields. He also proved the River Yukon from Fort Selkirk was navigable to the sea. The panel commemorates Campbell’s winter journey to ask for the hand of his sweetheart in marriage, which required an epic snowshoe trek from Fort Simpson to Crow Wing
CA33A Caimbeulach an Iùcon
Rugadh Raibeart Caimbeul (1808–1894) ann an Gleann Lìomhann, Siorrachd Pheairt agus bha e na rannsachair ainmeil ann an Iar Thuath Chanada. B’ e malairtiche bèine a bh’ ann do Chompanaidh Hudson Bay, chaidh a thaghadh airson rannsachadh an iar air Abhainn MhicCoinnich. Am measg a chuid euchdan bha lorg Abhainn Pelly, slighe a chleachd na mìltean de luchd-siridh òir às dèidh sin airson gàrraidhean òir Klondike a ruighinn. Dhearbh e cuideachd gun gabhadh an Abhainn Iùcon a seòladh bho Dhùn Sailcirc. Tha am pannal a’ cuimhneachadh turas geamhraidh a’ Chaimbeulaich a dh’iarraidh làmh a leannainn airson a pòsadh, a bha ag iarraidh turas fada tron t-sneachd air brògan-sneachda bho Dhùn Simpson gu Crow Wing.