GB-E09 – Doncaster Works

Stitchers: Betty Abbey, Joan Allsopp, Christina Camm, Iris Foster, Pat Green, Betty Hallam, Joyce Harris, Pat James, Ivy McMinn, Joan Pickering, Cynthia Purcell, Linda Simpson, Ruth Taylor, Isobelle Thorpe (Doncaster).


Sir Nigel Gresley (1876 – 1941) is one of the foremost names in the story of steam locomotion. He was born in Edinburgh and raised in England, spending his life in the rail industry and designing some of the world’s most iconic steam engines. The Flying Scotsman was the first recorded passenger train to travel at 100mph, and the Mallard is the fastest ever steam locomotive ever built (126mph). Many of the locomotives built at the Doncaster Works in the 1930s to Gresley’s designs were given Scottish names, including Cock o’ the North, the Wolf of Badenoch, and Mons Meg.

 GBE09 Obraichean Doncaster
Is e an Ridire Nigel Gresley (1876– 1941) aon de na h-ainmean as cliùitiche ann am falbhanachd smùide. Rugadh e ann an Dùn Èideann agus thogadh e ann an Sasainn, a’ cur seachad a bheatha anns a’ ghnìomhachas rèile agus a’ dealbhachadh cuid de na h-einnseanan smùide as suaicheanta air an t-saoghal. B’ e am
Flying Scotsman a’ chiad trèana luchd-siubhail a chaidh a chlàradh a’ siubhal aig 100 mìle san uair, agus is e am Mallard an carbad-smùide as luaithe a chaidh a thogail a-riamh (126 mìle san uair). Bha mòran de na carbadan-smùide a chaidh a thogail ann an Gàrradh Doncaster sna 1930an, air an togail ri dealbhadh Gresley don tugadh ainmean Albannach, a’ gabhail a-steach Cock o’ the North, the Wolf of Badenoch, agus Mons Meg.