Stitcher: Arran Paul Johnston (Edinburgh)
This panel shows James Francis Stuart, whose birth in London triggered the expulsion of King James II & VII from the British throne in 1688. The Stuarts, who had served as Scotland’s royal family since 1371 and England’s since 1603, were exiled to France. King James was granted an extensive palace complex by the French king, and from then on the Chateau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye became the focal point for Stuart sympathisers. The royal court in exile occupied the palace all through James Francis’ childhood and into his maturity, and he continued to live there after his father’s death in 1701. But after his own failed bid recover the throne in 1715, the French bowed to diplomatic pressure and moved James outside the border of France to the Duchy of Lorraine, then to Papal territory in Avignon, and ultimately on to Rome. The official court in exile remained in Rome thereafter, but in France Saint-Germain-en-Laye would continue to house Jacobite exiles and Stuart supporters right up until the French Revolution.
FR05 Na Stiùbhartaich air Fògradh
Nuair a chaill Seumas VII & II an rìgh-chathair ann an 1688, dh’adhbhraich sin cùirt rìoghail Stiùbhartach air fògradh a bhith air a stèidheachadh ann an caisteal òirdheirc SaintGermain-en-Laye faisg air Paris. B’ ann an seo a dh’fhàs mac Sheumais, Seumas Proinseas Èideard Stiùbhart, suas. Chithear Seumas VIII an seo leis a’ chaisteal air a chùlaibh. An dèidh don Ar-amach ann an 1715 fàilligeadh, dh’fhàg Seumas Saint-Germain agus taobh Lorraine agus Avignon, stèidhich e mu dheireadh cùirt anns am Palazzo Muti san Ròimh. B’ ann an seo a rugadh Teàrlach Èideard Stiùbhart, a thill don Fhraing nuair a chuir e Ar-a-mach fhèin air chois ann an 1745 bho St Nazaire faisg air Nantes.