Stitchers: Christiane Pottier (Boussy Saint Antoine), Pamela Lintingre (Boussy Saint Antoine), Annie Blind (Périgny sur Yerres), Odile Compagnon (Brie-Comte Robert)
Stevenson (1850-1894) is one of Scotland’s most famous novelists, famed for the adventures Kidnapped and Treasure Island. He grew up in Edinburgh but was frequently unwell and in 1873 travelled to the south of France to recover. As a grand adventure, he then undertook a twelve day hiking trip alone through the Cevennes mountains. He published an account of the 120 mile journey in 1879, one of his earliest published works. Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes was one of the first works to promote hiking as a pastime, and Stevenson’s adventure is still recreated by travellers today.
FR07 Raibeart Louis Stevenson ann an Cevennes
Bha Stevenson (1850–1894) mar aon de na sgeulaichean a b’ ainmeile ann an Alba, le cliù aige airson leabhraichean nam mòr-thursan Kidnapped agus Treasure Island. Dh’fhàs e suas ann an Dùn Èideann ach bhiodh e tinn gu minig agus ann an 1873 shiubhail e gu ceann a deas na Frainge airson faighinn seachad air. Mar thuras fìor mhòr, dh’fhalbh e air turas coiseachd leis fhèin tro bheanntan Cevennes. Dh’fhoillsich e cunntas den turas san robh 120 mìle ann an 1879. B’ e Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes aon de na ciad leabhraichean a bha a’ moladh coiseachd mar chur-seachad, agus tha mòr-thuras Stevenson air ath-chruthachadh le luchd-siubhail gus an latha an-diugh.