invite you to join their new Friends group
Since 2009 Prestonpans has produced two magnificent tapestries, The Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry telling of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s victory in 1745, and The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry recording Scotland’s global legacy.
Already they’ve taken on celebrity status, attracting thousands of visitors as we tour and exhibit them.
Yet stitching these artworks is only the beginning of their centuries-long lives, so we’ve got ourselves organised for our share of the long haul. We want to do it with a little help from our Friends!
There will have been 50 exhibitions of these tapestries by the end of 2014, with more than 300,000 visitors so far across Scotland, England and France. To manage and support the future of both these artworks clearly requires volunteers who can help both with maintenance, walking the talk at exhibitions, and even hosting exhibitions in their own communities.
If you would like to join the Friends, the send us an email and we’ll send you a very simple form asking for a few more details:
What Happens Next?
Well, first off we’ll say “welcome” and “thanks for volunteering”!
Then we’ll add you to our Friends database and keep you up to date with upcoming events and exhibitions, and what assistance from volunteers will be needed.
We’ll also communicate directly with you when your postal address indicates you that one of our events or exhibitions is close to you, to see if you can help us.
Each year we will hold a Reunion get-together in which we’ll update you on how everything is going along… All the latest news will continue to be shared on the websites for both tapestries too, but you can’t beat face to face updates and the chance to meet the other volunteers.
If an agreed volunteer duty involves you in unusual travel expense, we will be able to meet petrol cost incurred; perhaps over time the Friends group will have ideas for raising some funds for such needs.
And as a registered Friend you’ll be able to get a personal 10% discount on our merchandise and 20% on our books at exhibitions and events that you attend!
So if you are interested in becoming a Friend of the Tapestries, please get in touch: