Stitchers: Christina Sundin Coli, Barbro Wright (Gothenburg).
The French brigade under the command of Colonel Leslie, Baron of Blantyre and of Scottish origin, was formed to support the Stuarts in Scotland. Lanmary, the French ambassador in Stockholm received a letter from Leslie dated July 19th 1746, suggesting that refugees travel over land in small groups via Stralsund and Berlin. Lord Ogilvy and his group arrived in Göteborg in early July. When the French brigade was ordered to leave in August 1746, Peter Samuelsson Bagge, a Göteborg merchant, took over the good work of Leslie. Colin Campbell, the president of the Swedish East India Company helped financially as he was a Stuart sympathiser and cooperated with Leslie and Bagge.
After Bonnie Prince Charlie was finally defeated at Culloden in 1746, King Louis XV of France decided to rescue the prince by boat. The boats were to be acquired from Denmark and Sweden. These countries were both neutral in the war between France and England and the ships could sail to Scotland on ‘trading business’ but secretly return with the prince and his supporters. The Gothenburg Expedition involved Lanmary, Leslie and Bagge and the “Pollux” set sail from Göteborg on 19th July 1746. However, the mission was unsuccessful and the “Pollux” returned with ordinary cargo.
From July 1746 to September 1747, an efficient and organised campaign supported the Jacobite refugees with money, passports, goods and guides. Göteborg was a suitable place of exile as here they found political sympathy.
Names of Scottish refugees: (Note this list may not be complete)
Sir Alexander Banerman of Elsick
Robert Barclay
Thomas Blair
Robert Campbell
William Campbell
David Carnegie
George Carnegie
James Carnegie
William Drummond
Robert Fletcher
Charles Fraser
David Fotheringham
Tho Fotheringham of Baridine
David Gardyne
John Gordon of Glenbucket
Glenbucket (unidentified relative of John Gordon) Alexander Gordon
Alexander Graham
James Graham, Viscount of Dundee
Robert Graham of Garvock
William Hamilton
Hunter of Burnside
Alexander Johnston
John MacGinnis
James Maitland
Willam Menzies
Thomas Mercer
Charles Moir
James Moir of Stoneywood
John Nairne, third Lord Nairne
Henry Nairne
David Ogilvy, Lord Ogilvy and Earl of Airlie
James Ogilvy
John Ogilvy
Laurence Oliphant
Lawrence Oliphant Jr.
Henry Patullo
James Rolls
Bartholomew Sandilands
John Scott
Alexander Stewart
Edward Stocks
James Stuart
Joseph Stuart
Alexander Whist
SE04 Cailean Caimbeul agus na Seumasaich
An dèidh don oidhirp a rinn am Prionnsa Teàrlach air na Stiùbhartaich a thoirt air ais, fàillingeadh aig Blàr Chùil Lodair ann an 1746, dh’aontaich Louis XV na Frainge air cobhair a dhèanamh air a’ Phrìonnsa. Bhiodh soithichean Suaineach agus às an Danmhairc air an cleachdadh a chionn ’s gun robh na dùthchannan sin neo-phàirteach agus dh’fhaodadh iad seòladh a dh’Alba mar luchdmhalairt. Chuireadh am Pollux gu muir à Gothenburg ach dh’fhailnich oirre am Prionnsa a lorg. Ràinig fògarraich Seumasach eile am baile ge-tà, a’ gabhail a-steach am Morair Ògalbhaidh. Chuidich Cailean Caimbeul, ceann-suidhe Companaidh Suaineach nan Ìnnsean an Ear, leis an obair sin agus bhon Iuchair 1746 gus an t Sultain 1747, bha iomairt eagraichte agus èifeachdach a’ cur taic ri fògarraich Seumasach le airgead, ceadan-siubhail, bathar agus luchd-iùil.