Stitchers: Anne Eliasson, Camilla Eliasson (Gothenburg).
“The British Factory” was a Swedish-British organisation established in 1699. It was important for the immigrants’ social life and for their religious activities. After the King of Sweden permitted the British in Göteborg freedom of religious exression, it was the “British Factory” that organised and administered the economic grounds for priest and church.
The first masonic lodge in Sweden was founded in Göteborg in1775 with 190 members. 10% of these men were Scottish or English. The second lodge, St. Andrew’s lodge, was established in 1777 and Thomas Erskine (founder of The Royal Bachelor’s Club) was one of the first members. William Chalmers, James Chalmers and George Carnegie were also freemasons.
The Royal Bachelor Club was set up for “ billiards and undisturbed fellowship” by Thomas Erskine, Earl of Kellie. Founding members were Barclay, Kennedy, Grieg, Carnegie and Innes. Membership was dominated by influential Scots entrepreneurs and the period from 1769 to 1813 was known as The Skotse Perioden (The Scottish Period). This, the oldest club in Sweden, is still in existence and Erskine’s tartan continues to be in use today.
SE05 Club Rìoghail nam Baidsealairean
Air 19 Samhain 1769, chaidh Club Rìoghail nam Baidsealairean a stèidheachadh ann an Gothenburg gus àite a sholarachadh do bhuill airson “bòrd-cluiche agus companas gun dragh”. Bha mòran den luchd-stèidhidh à Breatainn bho thùs, agus b’ e Tòmas Erskine agus Iarla Kellie, a’ chiad fheadhainn a chuir an ainm ris a’ chòirsgrìobhte. B’ iad Albannaich eile am measg an luchd-stèidhidh daoine leis an ainm Barclay, Ceanadach, Grieg, Carnegie agus MacAonghais. Bha a’ bhallrachd air a gabhail thairis cho mòr le iomairtich Albannach a bha buadhach, agus gun robh an ùine bho 1769 gu 1813 aithnichte mar Skotse Perioden (An Ùine Albannach). Is e Club Rìoghail nam Baidsealairean an club as sine san tSuain, agus tha dealbh-peantaidh Erskine fhathast crochte ann an Seòmar a’ Chlub gus an latha andiugh.