LT03 – Scots Traders

Stitcher: Elvyra Skeivienė

The protection of Protestant rulers and the burgeoning prosperity of Kėdainiai, sited on the banks of the gentle river Nevėžis, encouraged Scottish traders as well as soldiers. Throughout the seventeenth century this trading community continued to grow. Such were their numbers and success that of the nineteen grand merchants’ houses on the main market square, eleven eventually belonged to Scots. Many of them left the town, but it is possible still to identify the echoes of Scottish surnames amongst the names of the houses in the Old Town of Kėdainiai: houses of Andersonas (Anderson), Benetas (Bennett), Diksonas (Dickson) and Gordonas (Gordon).

LT03 Malairtich Albannach
Bha dìon bho nan riaghladairean Pròstanach agus soirbheachadh faoisgneach Ke·dainiai, suidhichte air bruachan abhainn shocair Nevesis, a’ brosnachadh mhalairteach Albannach a thuilleadh air saighdearan. Tron t-seachdamh linn deug, lean a’ choimhearsnachd mhalairt seo air adhart a’ fas. Bha a leithid dhiubh a’ soirbheachadh cho mòr agus gun robh naoi deug de thaighean mòra nam marsantach sa phrìomh cheàrnaig margaidh ann an seilbh Albannaich aig deireadh gnothaich. Thàinig mòran dhiubh aig a’ cheann thall gu bhith air an nàdarrachadh don tìr, agus tha e comasach fhathast seallaidhean de na sloinnidhean Albannach fhaicinn am measg na h
àireimh-sluaigh: Andersonas (MacAnndrais), Benetas (Benneit), Diksonas (Dickson) agus Gordonas (Gòrdain).