Stitchers: Fiona Anderson, Marie Austin, Pat Bryden, Alison Campbell, Christine Craig, Winnie Cumming, Dorothy Davidson, Jennifer Dunlop, Walter Dunlop, Ruth Forrester, Ian Gilmour, Dorothy MacKenzie, Jean MacKinlay, Deborah Miller, Elizabeth Mitchell, Jean Morrison, Josephine Munthali, Mary M Scott, Jack Thompson, Phyllis Thompson (Edinburgh, Scotland) .
The Livingstonia Mission was established in 1875 by the Free Church of Scotland in memory of David Livingstone. After moving from its original site, its headquarters settled in 1894 at Livingstonia. Led by Dr Robert Laws (1851–1934) who served in Malawi for fifty-two years, the mission soon established a wide network of mission stations. There Scottish missionaries established schools and hospitals, most notably at Livingstonia itself where the David Gordon Memorial Hospital opened in 1910 and where the school trained teachers, ministers and clerks, as well as carpenters and bricklayers. Laws’ dream of establishing a university was finally realised in 2003.
MW02 Misean Livingstonia
Chaidh an ionad misein aig Livingstonia a stèidheachadh às dèidh bàs Dhaibhidh MhicDhunleibhe, le miseanaraidhean à Eaglais Shaor na h-Alba. Chaidh an làrach a ghluasad grunn tursan air sgàth a’ ghalair mailèiria ach ann an 1894 chaidh a shuidheachadh far a bheil e a-nis. Dh’fhàs baile glè luath timcheall a’ mhisein agus stèidhich an Dr Raibeart Laws (1851-1934) sgoil a bha fìor shoibheachail. Ann an 1910, thog na miseanaraidhean Ospadal Cuimhneachaidh Dhaibhidh Gòrdain, bha lèirsinn Laws a thaobh oilthigh air a thighinn gu bith. Tha dìleab an Dr MhicDhunleibhe agus an fheadhainn a thàinig às a dhèidh ri fhaireachdainn tarsainn Malàbhaidh gus an latha an-diugh, le cleamhnas làidir agus so-bheanailteach fhathast eadar na daoine agus muinntir Alba.