Stitchers: Fiona Anderson, Marie Austin, Elisabeth Baxter, Andrew Carvel, Christine Craig, Catherine Hepburn, Colby Kumwenda, Dorothy MacKenzie, Jean MacKinlay, James McNeill, Stuart Murray Mitchell, Jack Thompson, Emily Walker, Mary M Scott (Edinburgh, Scotland).
In 1876 the Church of Scotland set up the Blantyre Mission, named after Livingstone’s birth place. Blantyre soon expanded to become the main commercial centre of Malawi. The mission established stations throughout southern Malawi and opened many schools and hospitals. An outstanding achievement was St Michael and All Angels’ Church, built 1888–1891. Neither the leader of the mission, Rev David Clement Scott, nor his African workers had experience of such a large construction project; but together they created an outstanding structure. As Blantyre expanded so did the European settler population, many of whom were Scots involved in commerce and agriculture.
MW03 Misean Bhlantaidhr
Tha Blantaidhr aig ceann eile Mhalàbhaidh bho Livingstonia, agus is e am baile as motha a th’ ann agus gu neo-oifigeil am prìomh bhaile marsantachd. Tha e air ainmeachadh às dèidh àite-breith Dhaibhidh MhicDhunleibhe ann an Alba, agus chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an1876, trì bliadhna às dèidh a bhàis. Thàinig e glè luath gu bhith na ionad malairt cudromach, fhad ’s a bha dìleab obair miseanaraidh MhicDhunleibhe a’ nochdadh ann an cruthachadh Eaglais dhrùidhteach an Naoimh Mhìcheil ’s nan Naomh uile bho 1888-91, air làrach a’ chiad ionad misein Albannaich. Cha robh an dealbhaiche no an sgioba-obrach air an trèanadh no le eòlas air pròiseact togail cho fìor mhòr. Ach chan eil mòran àiteachan eile ann as fheàrr a ghlacas suaicheantas MhicDhunleibhe, de Chrìosdaidheachd, Malairt agus Sìobhaltachd.