NL07 – Trading with Veere

Stitcher: Kate McDonald (Dalgety Bay)


The close historical trading ties between Veere and Scotland have led to the twinning of the town with Culross in Fife. The latter was an important trading port, with coal and salt being its two biggest industries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ships taking goods from Culross would return using pantiles from Veere as ballast, which accounts for the prominence of red roofs in the area. The fine “palace” of Sir George Bruce of Carnock still reveals the success of his overseas trade: it was constructed with imported materials, including tiles for the roof and floor from the Netherlands.

 NL07 Dèanamh Malairt le Veere
Tha na ceanglaichean dlùth malairt eadar Veere agus Alba air leantainn air adhart gu càraideadh eadar Veere agus baile Chuileann-Ros ann am Fìobha. B’ e port cudromach malairt a bh’ ann an Cuileann-Ros, le gual agus salann mar an dà ghnìomhachas a bu mhotha a bh’ ann sna siathamh agus na seachdamh linntean deug. Bhiodh soithichean a’ toirt bathar à Cuileann-Ros agus a’ tilleadh a’ cleachdadh leacagan-phana à Veere mar bhallaist, agus is sin as adhbhar do a leithid de mhullaich dhearga san sgìre. Tha “lùchairt” ghrinn an Ridire Seòras Brus fhathast a’ sealltainn soirbheachas a chuid malairt thallthairis: chaidh a togail le stuthan in-mhalairt, a’ gabhail a-steach taidhlichean don mhullach agus don ùrlar à Ìosal-Tìre.