Stitcher: Maureen Vollema
By the 1680s there were over a thousand Scots in Rotterdam, a flourishing community with a flourishing church. Scottish Presbyterianism was easily compatible with the Calvinist doctrines of Rotterdam, and the Dutch and Scottish communities integrated well. In 1695 a new Schotse Kerk was constructed on the Vasteland using stone imported from Scotland, including some from Prestonpans. In the 1720s the church was extended to provide an almshouse for the widows and orphans of the Scottish soldiers under the Duke of Marlborough. The kirk was destroyed by German bombs in May 1940, along with much of the rest of Rotterdam.
NL11 An Eaglais Albannach 1952
Cha b’ e sgrios na h-Eaglaise Albannaich leis an Luftwaffe ann an 1940 deireadh a’ choitheanail eachdraidheil seo. Ann an 1951–2, chaidh togalach ùr a chur suas air Schiedamsevest, a’ cothlamadh buadhan traidiseanta Albannach le stoidhle an ama ùir. Thòisich dreach ùr de luchdadhraidh a’ tighinn don eaglais ùr: na mnathanbainnse Albannach a bha air seòladairean Duitseach a phòsadh a bha suidhichte aig costa Alba anns an Dàrna Cogadh Mòr. Bha an eaglais mar phàirt bheag de an dachaigh. Ann an 1993, chomharraich iad an 350mh ceann-bliadhna, a’ leantainn air adhart a’ soirbheachadh mar an Eaglais Albannach Eadar-nàiseanta, a’ frithealadh coitheanal farsaing bho air feadh na dùthcha.