Stitchers: Marie Austin, Jennifer Dunlop, Margot Hudson, James Hudson, Mary Godden, Marion Maxwell, Maha Campbell, Priscillia Ansery, Dorothy Mackenzie, Ailsa Yuille, Gillian Burt, Darya Short, Jean Mackinlay, Sally Khasckia, Dimitra Panagiotou, and the students of Tabeetha School, Jaffa.
1863: Tabeetha School for girls was founded by Miss Jane Walker Arnott, a young Glasgow woman who visited Jaffa and was disturbed by the lack of education for girls. The growth of tourism benefitted the school. Thomas Cook was very impressed by Miss Walker Arnott’s work and supported it generously. Miss Walker Arnott left her school to the Church of Scotland, which still supports it. Many Scots have taught there, including some inspirational Head Teachers. It is now a popular, co-educational, international school, whose academic standards are high. Tabeetha is very much loved. Its 150th anniversary in 2013 saw alumni coming back from all over the world to celebrate their time there. The Biblical quotation on this panel, in English, Arabic and Hebrew: “Her children rise up and call her blessed appears on a plaque in the entrance hall commemorating the Founder.
Sgoil Tabeetha, Jaffa
Chaidh Sgoil Tabeetha do nigheanan a stèidheachadh ann an 1863 le Sìne Walker Arnott à Glaschu, a bha troimh-chèile a thaobh dìth foghlaim do nigheanan ann an Jaffa. Bha Tòmas Cook air a ghlacadh gu mòr le obair na M-uas Walker Arnott agus chuir e taic mhòr ris an obair aice. Dh’fhàg i an sgoil aig Eaglais na h-Alba, a tha a’ cur taic rithe fhathast. Tha mòran Albannach air a bhith a’ teagasg an sin, a’ gabhail a-steach cuid de Cheannardan Sgoile fìor bhrosnachail. Tha i na sgoil air a bheil mòr-mheas, tha i co-oideachail agus eadar-nàiseanta. Tha an às-aithris bhon Bhìoball air a’ phannal seo ann am Beurla, Arabais agus Eabhrais: “Èirigh a clann suas agus canaidh iad gu bheil i beannaichte” a’ nochdadh air plàc anns an fhosglan, mar cho-chuimhneachadh air an Stèidhiche.