RU03 – Catherine’s Scottish Doctors

Stitcher: Margaret Potter (Edinburgh)

Catherine the Great was empress of the Russian empire from 1762-96, a period many consider to be a golden age for tsarist Russia. Catherine sought to attract men of ability and innovation to her court, talented Scots amongst them, including doctors. John Rogerson became the personal physician to the empress after travelling there in 1766. Matthew Guthrie became a prominent medical officer at court after his arrival three years later. After studying at Aberdeen in 1761, Thomas Dimsdale wrote a treatise on inoculation which led to his invitation to St Petersburg, inoculating members of the royal family and nobility against smallpox.

RU03 Caitrìona Mhòr is Lighichean Albannach
Bha Caitrìona Mhòr na bana-ìmpire air ìmpireachd na Ruis bho 1762–96, ùine a bhathar den bheachd mar aois òir do Ruis an Tsàir aig an àm sin. Bha Caitrìona a’ sireadh ri fir le comas is ùr-ghnàthachadh a tharraing don chùirt aice, Albannaich thàlantach nam measg, a’ gabhail asteach lighichean. Fhuair Iain Rogerson dreuchd mar lighiche pearsanta don bhana-ìmpire an dèidh siubhal an sin ann an 1766. Bha Mata Guthrie na oifigear meidigeach cliùiteach sa chùirt aice an dèidh dha a thighinn ann trì bliadhna às dèidh sin. An dèidh a bharantachadh a cheannach bho Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, sgrìobh an Sasannach Tòmas Dimsdale tràchdas air dìon bho ghalaran, a lean gu cuireadh a thoirt dha gu St Petersburg, a’ dìon buill den teaghlach Rìoghail agus den uaisleachd bhon bhreac.