TW01 – Sir Patrick Manson

Stitchers (Glasgow): Lyn Dunachie, Jennifer Ann Black, Yanny Chu Wai Yan, Jenny Dunachie, Rose Mary Harley, Lucy Reynolds

Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922) has been called the father of tropical medicine.  Born in Oldmeldrum and trained at Aberdeen University, he travelled to Formosa (Taiwan) to work as medical officer to the Chinese Maritime Customs.  As well as inspecting ships and their crews, he attended Chinese patients in a missionary hospital and became interested in tropical diseases, in particular the role of parasites and their spread. He identified the cause of Bilharzia, a worm now called Schistosoma mansoni.  In 1883 he moved to Hong Kong where he helped found the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (later University of Hong Kong). Here he studied filaria, a tiny worm that causes elephantiasis. He showed mosquitoes have a key role in transmitting the parasites to and between humans.  Returning to Britain, he established the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and encouraged Ronald Ross to research the transmission of malaria.

TW01 An Ridire Pàdraig Manson
Tha an Ridire Pàdraig Manson (1844–1922) air a bhith air ainmeachadh mar athair eòlas-leigheis tropaigeach. Air a bhreith ann an Oldmeldrum agus air a thrèanadh ann an Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, shiubhail e gu Formosa (Taidhuan) a dh’obair mar oifigear meidigeach do Chusbainn Maraireachd Shìona. A thuilleadh air a bhith a’ sgrùdadh shoithichean agus an criuthaichean, bha e a’ frithealadh euslaintich Sìonach ann an ospadal mhiseanaraidhean agus ghabh e ùidh ann an galaran tropaigeach. Chomharraich e an tadhbhar airson Bilharzia, boiteag caolain ris an canar Schistosoma mansoni. Ann an 1883, ghluais e gu Hong Kong agus chuidich e le stèidheachadh Colaiste Eòlas-leigheis Hong Kong do Shìonaich (Oilthigh Hong Kong). A’ tilleadh a Bhreatainn, stèidhich e Sgoil Slàinteachais is Leigheas Tropaigeach Lunnainn.