Stitchers (Dunblane, Scotland): Christine Davis, Alison Burnley, Susan Hill, Ann Gambles.
Robert Barclay (1648-90) was granted the patent for East Jersey through the future King James VII. The colony’s capital, Perth Amboy, was named for a fellow patentee, the Earl of Perth. Paris educated Barclay was famous for his 1678 book Apology for True Christian Divinity, a key text for the Quaker movement. He travelled throughout Holland and Germany with William Penn and others, but on returning suffered persecution and imprisonment. The group emigrated in 1682 to America, where Barclay became first governor of the state of East Jersey. He returned to his Aberdeenshire estate of Ury six years later, where he died in 1690.
US01 Raibeart Barclay Chaidh am peutant airson Jersey an Ear a bhuileachadh air Raibeart Barclay (1648–1690) tron Rìgh Seumas VII. Bha prìomh bhaile a’ choloinidh, Perth Amboy, air ainmeachadh às dèidh a’ cho-pheutantach Iarla Pheairt. Bha Barclay a chaidh oideachadh ann am Paris ainmeil airson a leabhar ann an 1678, Apology for the True Christian Divinity, prìomh theacs don adhbhar Quaker. Shiubhail e air feadh na h-Òlaind agus na Gearmailt còmhla ri Uilleam Penn agus feadhainn eile, ach air a thilleadh dh’fhuiling e geurleanmhainn agus am prìosan. Rinn iad às-imrich gu Aimeireaga ann an 1682, far an robh Barclay mar chiad riaghlaiche air stàit Jersey an Ear. Thill e gu oighreachd Ury ann an Siorrachd Obar Dheathain sia bliadhna às dèidh sin, agus bhàsaich e an sin ann an 1690.