Stitchers: Marijke Mica-Leertouwer, Tineke Nieuwenhuijse-Taal, Mart Andriaansens & Sylia van Dam Merrett-van Lynden
The role of supervising and protecting the special privileges granted to Scots traders fell to an appointed Conservator of Scottish Privileges in the Low Countries. He acted as the head of the Scottish community in the Netherlands, supported by a deputy. The centre of this panel shows the Badge of Honour granter to the Conservator, featuring the Scottish thistle and the famous motto, No-one Strikes Me with Impunity. No Conservator could protect the privileges when the revolutionary forces of France took over the region, however: all were abolished in 1799 and the trade with Scotland dried up. Most Scots merchants returned home.
Flanking the Conservator’s arms are the first and last holders of that office, George Gordon (1541) and Sir James Crauford (1799).
The top left corner of the panel records the publication of De Iure Regni Apud Scotos (On the Rights of the Crown in Scotland), which was written by the controversial Scottish historian George Buchanan in 1579. Being something of a challenge to the Crown, it could not be openly published in Britain: the Staple port of Veere became its channel to Scotland from its Dutch printers!
Veere’s town hall houses a painting which shows all the ships which entered the port throughout 1651, one of which features the Saltire in the corner of its ensign. This was the warship St Andrew, and it is depicted here in the bottom right hand corner as it travelled from Lisbon to Britain via Veere.
As with other panels, the key Royal Burghs in Scotland are listed on the waves which carried the trade from Scotland to Veere: Kirkudbright (Kirkcudbright), Wigtoun (Wigtown), Dumbarton, Renfrew, Lanerik (Lanark), Pebils (Peebles), Selkirk, Dumbar (Dunbar), Whithorn, Rothsay (Rothesay), Ruthglen (Rutherglen), Lawder (Lauder).
NL04 An Gleidheadair
Bha Gleidheadair Sochairean Albannach sna Dùthchannan Ìosal a chaidh a chur an dreuchd a dh’aon ghnothaich, mar cheannard air a’ choimhearsnachd Albannaich anns an Òlaind. Bha a Bhràiste Urraim a’ taisbeanadh fòghnan na h-Alba agus an t-suaicheantais ainmeil, Cha Bhuail Neach Mise le Neo-dhìoghalta. Air gach taobh de bhuill-airm a’ Ghleidheadair, tha a’ chiad fhear agus am fear mu dheireadh a dhleas an dreuchd sin, Seòras Gòrdain (1541) agus an Ridire Seumas Crauford (1799). Dh’fhàg a’ mhòrchuid de dh’Albannaich Veere an dèidh do na Frangaich ionnsaigh a thoirt air an àite às dèidh nan Cogaidhean Reabhlaideach. Tha dealbh air a peantadh ann an talla-bhaile Veere de na soithichean uile a thàinig a-steach don phort ann an 1651, agus b’ e aon dhiubh an t-soitheachcogaidh ‘Naomh Anndra’, air a dealbh an seo gu h-ìosal air an làimh dheis.