Stitcher: Nozibele Nxadi of Keiskamma Art Project – Hamburg, Eastern Cape
Abducted from their Ethiopian homes, 217 Galla (Omoro) young people were being taken to slave markets in Arabia when on 15 September, 1888 the three dhows transporting them were intercepted by HMS Osprey. Temporality accommodated at the The Keith-Falconer Mission of the Free Church of Scotland in Aden, 64 children were moved to the Free Church’s Lovedale Missionary Institute in South Africa. Disembarking at East London, they became the guests of the Presbyterian Church, before travelling to Lovedale, where they were provided with comfortable accommodation, education and training. By 1900 most of the Omoro young people had left Lovedale.
ZA03 Tràillean Galla
Air an goid air falbh bho an dachaighean ann an Ethiopia, bha 217 neach òg Galla (Omoro) gan toirt gu margaidean thràillean ann an Aràibia air 15 Sultain 1888, nuair a chuir an HMS Osprey stad air na trì bàtaichean dhow a bha gan giùlain. Air an cur suas gu h-eadar-amail ann am Misean KeithFalconer san Eaglais Shaor ann an Aden, chaidh 64 neach-cloinne a ghluasad gu Institiùd Mhiseanaraidhean Lovedale na h-Eaglaise Saoire ann an Afraga a Deas. A’ dol air tìr ann an Taobh an Ear Lunnainn, bha iad nan aoighean aig an Eaglais Chlèireach mus do shiubhail iad gu Lovedale, far an deach àite-fuirich cofhurtail, foghlam agus trèanadh a sholarachadh dhaibh. Bha a’ mhòrchuid de dhaoine òga Omoro air Lovedale fhàgail ro 1900.