Stitchers: Deidre Appel, Lynn Kinsey, Jenny Jones, Jean Ravenscroft, Afreen Ahmed, Moira Adams, Lu Demmert (Harare).
Born in Ormiston in 1795 Robert Moffat was educated in Falkirk, entered theological college in 1816, and thereafter the London Missionary Society. In 1824, Moffat founded the mission at Kuruman. Five years later, he visited Mzilikazi, chief of the Matabele, then living in the Transvaal. Moffat cultivated this friendship during a second visit in 1835. After defeat by the Voortrekkers, Mzilikazi led the Matabele across the Limpopo to what is now Zimbabwe. Only in 1854 did Moffat undertake the 600-mile journey to Mzilikazi’s new home, near Bulawayo. They spent three months together and Moffat went again in 1857 to initiate the introduction of an LMS mission at Nyati. Their friendship was a significant influence in Rhodesian history. Mzilikazi was a warrior king with 300 wives and little time for Christianity, but because of his respect for Moffat—and because Moffat successfully relieved the pain of his gout—he allowed the mission into his realm.
ZW01 Raibeart Moffat
Air a bhreith ann an Ormiston ann an 1795, chaidh Raibeart Moffat oideachadh san Eaglais Bhric, chaidh e do cholaiste na diadhaidheachd ann an 1816, agus às dèidh sin Comann Mhiseanaraidhean Lunnainn. Ann an 1824, stèidhich Moffat am misean ann an Kuruman. Ann an 1829, thadhail e air Mzilikazi, ceann-cinnidh am Matabele, aig an àm sin a’ fuireach san Transvaal. Chùm Moffat suas an càirdeas seo tro dhàrna tadhal ann an 1835. Ann an 1854, ghabh Moffat turas 600 mìle os làimh gus trì mìosan a chur seachad ann an dachaigh Mzilikazi. Thill e ann an 1857 a chur tùs air stèidheachadh misean ann an Nyati. Cha robh mòran tìde aig Mzilikazi aig an àm do Chrìosdaidheachd, ach mar thoradh air an spèis a bh’ aige dha Moffat, cheadaich e am misean a-steach don rìoghachd aige.