AU17 – Rutherford Collies


Stitchers: Jennifer Bruce, Joan Murray, Ros Hulme, Muriel Aimey, Rona Ellis, Linda Letton, Anne Sinclair, Gerry Wood (Caithness).

Many shepherds from the Scottish Borders migrated to Caithnesss and Sutherland in the late 18th and early 19th century as part
of the introduction of Cheviot sheep. The descendants of some then took their skills to Australia. One well known example was the Rutherfords, who arrived in Kildonan from Roxburghshire in 1803: six of their sons emigrated. In 1864 John Rutherford asked for two Border collies to be sent on to him in Australia. Named Clyde and Lassie they became the progenitors of a new breed called the Rutherford Rough Colly. John became a successful breeder and took part in many sheepdog trials in both Australia and New Zealand.

        AU17 Coin-chaorach Rutherford
Dh’imrich mòran chìobairean à Crìochan na h-Alba gu Gallaibh agus Cataibh aig deireadh na h-ochdamh linn deug agus toiseach na naoidheamh linn deug, mar phàirt de thoirt a-steach nan caorach Cheviot. Thug sliochd cuid dhiubh an sgilean an uair sin gu ruig Astràilia. B’ e an teaghlach Rutherford deagh eisimpleir den sin, a thàinig gu Cill Donnain à Siorrachd Rosbrog ann an 1803: dh’às-imrich sianar de an cuid mhac. Ann an 1864, dh’iarr Iain Rutherford gum biodh dà chù-chaorach às na Crìochan air an cur thuige ann an Astràilia. Air an ainmeachadh Cluaidh agus Lassie, thàinig iad gu bhith nan gineadairean de bhriod ùr leis an ainm Cù-chaorach Rutherford. Bha Iain na thàrmachair soirbheachail agus bha e a’ gabhail pàirt ann am mòran fharpaisean chon-chaorach, an dà chuid ann an Astràilia agus ann an Sealainn Nuadh.