Stitchers in Mobile, Alabama are warming up ahead of the arrival of their panels!

Members of the Scottish Society of Mobile ( ) are so determined to make a fine job of their tapestry panels that they’ve been practising ahead of their arrival! These photos show some of them trying their hand at stitching during preparatory meetings in Alabama. By good fortune, some members of the SSOM also belong to SWAM – the Society of Women Addicted to Needlework!

Back in Scotland, our own Andrew Crummy is busy finalising the designs for their panels, so that they can start work on the real thing. They will stitch several panels for us, two of which will reveal the influence of Scots in Native American history: one will show the fascinating tale of Chief William McIntosh (1775-1824, veteran of the War of 1812 and founder of the MacIntosh Trail trade route, chief of the Lower Creek Nation; another will record John Ross, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. A third panel, with a rather different feel, will tell of Roderick Mackenzie (1865-1941) an artist who was fascinated by the Mardi Gras with which Mobile is closely associated. Finally, we will learn the story of Edinburgh born Kate Cumming (1828-1909) who became a famous nurse and diarist during the American Civil War.

Pictured here are: Irene Troy (SSOM and SWAN) and Randy Seale (past president of SSOM).

We’ll be sure to keep you posted as the Mobile panels progress!

By Admin