Tapestry takes over the Gallery and Library!

There was always going to be a first time for the ‘scatter’ mode of exhibition; and this is Montreal. Hosted by the city’s St Andrew’s Society and local groups, [in French and English after Nova Scotia’s Gaelic], it’s got a magnificent venue although setting up has been an unusual challenge for Jenny Bruce, Tour Director. However as compensation for her hot summer in Australasia she’s now heading into a white Christmas and Hogman-eh! as Ottawa will have it – so never a dull moment.

click on all images to enlarge

Stitchers: Moira Barclay-Fernie, Suni Hope-Johnston (Montreal)

The first Scots in Montreal came with the French, hence the fleur-de-lys. One of the governors of New France was Claude De Ramezay, whose surname betrays his roots! The first Presbyterian service was held in 1786 and a Scots Kirk soon followed. Since large ships could go no further than Montreal, goods unloaded there and proceeded by boat or canoe whilst profitable furs and timber travelled the other way. One fur trader, James McGill, bequeathed his estate for a university which bears his name. The Scots’ were instrumental in Canada’s first bank, the Bank of Montreal (now BMO) in 1817. In 1835 Montreal’s St Andrew’s Society was established.

CA17 Comann Naoimh Anndrais ann am Montreal

Thàinig a’ chiad Albannaich gu Montreal còmhla ris na Frangaich, mar sin am fleur-de-lys. B’ e Claude De Ramezay aon de riaghladairean na Frainge Nuaidh agus tha an sloinneadh fhèin ag innse a fhreumhaichean! Chaidh a’ chiad seirbheis Chlèireach a chumail ann an 1786 agus lean Eaglais na h-Alba goirid às dèidh sin. Bho nach robh e comasach do shoithichean mòra a dhol nas fhaide na Montreal, bha bathar ga àsluchdachadh an sin agus a’ dol air adhart ann am bàta no canù, fhad ’s a bha bèin phrothaideach is fiodh a’ siubhal an taobh eile. Dh’fhàg aon neachmalairt bèine, Seumas McGill, oighreachd mar dhìleab airson oilthigh a thogail, air a bheil ainm. Bha na h-Albannaich nam meadhan air a’ chiad bhanca ann an Canada a stèidheachadh, Banca Montreal (a-nis BMO) ann an 1817. Ann an 1835, chaidh Comann Naoimh Anndrais a stèidheachadh.

…. and finally, here are the posters inviting the visitors. Bruce Bolton, St Andrew’s Past President and convenor of the exhibition, reports previews all getting great reviews!

By Admin