FR10 – Golf: Arnaud Massy

Stitchers: Kay Speirs, Christiane Pottier, Isabelle Winkopp, Danielle Mathieu.


It is believed that the game of golf so associated with Scotland, developed out of the older game chole which a group of Scots learned in 1421 whilst on campaign alongside the French. By the late nineteenth century, however, professional British golfers were returning to France to practice in the sun. It was by observing these players that Arnaud Massy (1877-1950) discovered his passion for the game. He travelled to North Berwick to learn more, before becoming France’s most successful ever player. During the Second World War he moved briefly to Edinburgh and is buried in the Scottish capital.

 FR10 Goilf agus Arnaud Massy
Thathar a’ creidsinn gun tàinig gèam a’ ghoilf a tha cho co-cheangailte ri Alba, gu bith mar leasachadh air an t-seann ghèam chole, a dh’ionnsaich buidheann de dh’Albannaich ann an 1421 nuair a bha iad an lùib iomairt còmhla ris na Frangaich. Aig deireadh na naoidheamh linn deug ge-tà, bha goilfearan proifeiseanta à Breatainn a’ tilleadh don Fhraing a dhèanamh cleachdadh air a’ ghèam sa ghrèin. B’ ann le bhith a’ coimhead nan cluicheadairean sin a fhuair Arnaud Massy (1877–1950) a-mach gun robh e fhèin measail air a’ ghèam. Shiubhail e gu Bearraig a Tuath a dh’ionnsachadh tuilleadh, mus tàinig e gu bhith mar an cluicheadair a bu shoirbheachaile a-riamh san Fhraing. Aig àm an Dàrna Cogaidh Mhòir, ghluais e airson greiseag a Dhùn Èideann agus tha e air a thiodhlacadh ann am prìomh bhaile na hAlba.