NL09 – Rotterdam Schotse Kerk 1695

Stitcher: Virginia Hendriks

The destruction of the Scots Church by the Luftwaffe in 1940 was not the end of this historical congregation. In 1951-2 a new building was erected on Schiedamsevest, combining traditional Scottish influences with the style of the era. A new draft of worshippers also arrived for the new church: the Scottish war brides who had married Dutch sailors stationed on the Scottish coast during the Second World War. The kirk was a little piece of home. In 1993 it celebrated its 350th anniversary, and continues to thrive as the Scots International Church, serving a broad congregation from across the region.

NL09 Eaglais Albannach Vasteland 1695
Anns na 1680an, bha còrr agus mìle Albannach ann an Rotterdam, coimhearsnachd shoirbheachail le eaglais shoirbheachail. Bha Clèireachas Albannach glè cho-chòrdail ri teagasgan Calbhanach Rotterdam, agus mheasgaich na coimhearsnachdan Albannach is Duitseach gu math. Ann an 1695, bha Schotse Kerk ùr air a togail air an Vasteland, a’ cleachdadh cloich a thugadh a-steach à Alba, a’ gabhail asteach cuid à Prestonpans. Anns na 1720an, chaidh an eaglais a leudachadh airson taigh-dèirce a sholarachadh do bhantraichean agus dìlleachdain nan saighdearan Albannaich a bha an dèidh a bhith a’ frithealadh fo Dhiùc Mharlborough. Chaidh an eaglais a sgrios le bomaichean Gearmailteach sa Chèitean 1940, còmhla ris a’ mhòr-chuid eile de Rotterdam.